Types of Dental Bridges We Offer
Dental bridges stand out as an excellent option for replacing one or more missing teeth. Their strength, durability, and remarkably authentic appearance work together to restore both the function and beauty of your smile.
What precisely do dental bridges entail? Essentially, they’re artificial teeth attached to your natural teeth flanking the space. These supporting teeth are referred to as abutment teeth. Various types of dental bridges exist, each offering its own benefits.
- Traditional bridge dental: Porcelain fused to metal bridges, known for their incredible strength, dominate the landscape as the most common bridge type.
- Cantilever bridge dental: These bridges come into play when there’s a gap on just one side of the teeth. Although they may be suitable in certain situations, they don’t deliver the same level of strength and stability as traditional bridges.
- Maryland Bridge Dental: These bridges emerge as a commendable solution for replacing front teeth. Featuring a metal framework, they securely bond to the abutment teeth, making them less noticeable than conventional bridges.
For those with missing teeth contemplating dental bridges, Marsfield Dental Care is the answer. Our expert team will carefully evaluate your situation and guide you towards the ideal bridge type for your specific requirements. Rest assured, we can restore your smile and confidence with a solution that’s both natural-looking and durable.