How Long Does A Root Canal Last?

Did you get a terrible tooth? A root canal can save it. However, it’s interesting to know how long it can last. This article answers this concern, as well as the factors to prolong its lifespan and tips to make it last. You will also have an idea about other treatment options and how a dental crown can help with its longer lifespan.

What is a root canal treatment?

Your tooth is like a tiny house. Inside, there’s a soft spot called the pulp, kind of like the furniture. If your tooth gets a big crack or cavity, the house is damaged, and the furniture gets all messed up. That soft spot inside the tooth can get infected. A root canal is like fixing a house. The dentist cleans out all the bad stuff from the pulp, like throwing out the broken furniture. Then, they cover it up so nothing else can get in. Sometimes, the dentist puts a crown on it to add more protection. This helps the tooth work normally again.

How long does a root canal typically last?

The answer to this question may vary, but most remain for around 10 to 15 years if you take good care of it. Some root canals can even last a whole lifetime! To help it stay for a long time, always brush, floss, and visit your dentist for check-ups. Overall, its lifespan depends on how well the dentist did the job, what kind of filling it has, and how you care for your teeth.

Can a root canal last a lifetime?

Close-up view of a dental model showing a tooth with exposed root canals, providing insight into how long a root canal lasts.

A root canal can last a really long time, maybe even your whole life! But it’s not always guaranteed. Your tooth needs special care after a root canal. It’s important to see your dentist constantly to check on it and find any problems early. You can use a mouthguard to protect your teeth if you grind them at night.

What factors affect its longevity?

Lots of things can affect how long your root canal will last:

  • Who did the root canal? If a skilled dentist or a root canal procedure treatment specialist (called an endodontist) did it, it tended to hold up better.
  • How did they patch you up after? A crown, like a tiny tooth hat, protects the tooth way better than a regular filling.
  • Brushing and flossing game strong? The key to taking good care of your mouth, including the root canal tooth, is to do these activities regularly. 
  • Where’s the tooth? Back teeth or molars wear out from chewing, so they might need extra care later on.
  • Is overall health a factor? Diabetes and other conditions can affect your teeth, too, so keeping your doctor in the loop is a good idea.

How can you maximise its lifespan?

Here are some tips to make your root canal last longer:

  • Visit the dentist: Schedule a check-up and cleaning. They can check if your teeth are okay.
  • Keep your teeth clean: You should floss and brush twice using fluoride toothpaste every day.
  • Be careful what you eat: Try to avoid hard stuff like ice and nuts. They can hurt your teeth. 
  • Protect your teeth: Do you grind your teeth in your sleep? Wear a mouthguard, like a little helmet for your chompers, to keep them safe.
  • Cut back on sugar bombs: Candy and sugary drinks are like a party for cavity bugs in your mouth. Try to have less of them to take care of your teeth.

What are the signs of a failed root canal?

Most root canals work well, but sometimes they can have problems. Watch out for these signs:

  • Persistent pain: This might mean there’s an infection.
  • Swollen or tender gums: Something could be wrong with the tooth.
  • Pus or a bump: This is a bad sign. You need to see a dentist right away.
  • The tooth looks different: This could mean complications.

If you see any of these things, go to your dentist to check it out.

When should you consider a retreatment?

Sometimes, root canals don’t quite fix the tooth like they’re supposed to. If that happens, or if your tooth starts acting up again in a different way, you might need to have the root canal done again. Here are some signs you might need it:

  • Even after taking medicine, your tooth still hurts.
  • The tooth is infected again, meaning the germs are back.
  • The tooth is broken or has a new hole.

Consult your dentist to give you advice if you think you need to redo the treatment.

How does a root canal compare to other treatment options?

Dentist holding a dental model showing a root canal and dental implant, explaining how long a root canal lasts compared to others.

Aside from root canals, there are other solutions for your badly aching tooth. However, take note that they have different dental treatment costs.

  • You can pull the tooth out. This is usually cheaper at first, but other teeth might move, and your jawbone can shrink.
  • You can get a dental implant. This looks real and lasts a long time, but it’s more work and costs more.

If the root canal works, you keep your own tooth. You can bite and chew the usual way you do, and your other teeth will not move.

Does a dental crown improve the lifespan of a root canal?

Think of a crown like a superhero cape for your root canal! It shields the tooth, especially your molars, which take a beating when you chew. Since the tooth is weaker after a root canal, a crown stops it from cracking. So, a crown is a great way to keep your teeth strong for a long time.

Protect your investment: Tips for a long-lasting root canal

Do you want your root canal to last? It’s doable! Just take care of your teeth, make it a habit to visit the dentist, and use a dental crown. We at Marsfield Dental Care want to assist you in achieving a beautiful and healthy smile. Worried about your root canal? We can help! Contact Marsfield Dental Care today to make an appointment and keep your teeth strong for years to come.

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