Imagine if you had an ulcer the size of a regular Australian postage stamp on the back of your hand. Wouldn’t you do something about it? Clean it up? Bandage it? Treat infection with antibiotics? Many people don’t realise that the root of a single tooth has the entire surface area of one average postage stamp! Now imagine if you had gum disease and the gums around several teeth in your mouth were housing millions and millions of nasty bacteria? That’s a lot of stamps!
Gum disease and Diabetes
Post tooth extraction care
Looking after yourself post tooth extraction is extremely important and often undervalued. It can sometimes make the difference between a…
When Is Tooth Sensitivity A Sign Of A Bigger Issue?
Tooth sensitivity is a common dental issue that many people experience. It can range from mild discomfort to sharp pain,…
The Connection Between Oral Health and Overall Health
The Connection between Oral Health and Overall Health At first, it’s easy to presuppose that oral health and overall health…